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A Blog for Laurens, legal and otherwise.

It is pretty common these days for lawyers to put their thoughts online about any variety of legal issues. Frequently this is done by "big city" lawyers coming from firms with marketing departments or who have hired marketing firms. They write legal blogs because it helps with SEO, or "Search Engine Optimization," and if they can snag you onto their website because they wrote about some topic which shows up in your search results, then they have a better chance of getting your business. Well, this isn't one of those blogs - at least not entirely.

As a small town lawyer, I do not have a marketing department and I have not hired any marketing firms. During my time in practice, most of my business has come from referrals from friends, other lawyers, and even opposing counsel rather than from high-dollar marketing schemes. I regret that lawyers are compelled to advertise at all, but it seems that is the world in which we live.

So, here is what you can expect from this blog: I intend for it to be a place where I can give my views on various aspects of the law. It may be something of very local concern to our community, county, or the state of South Carolina. It might also be my take on a legal issue confronting our nation. I also reserve the right to comment on something that has absolutely nothing to do with the law, whether it be a local election or other news, a community event, or some other issue which piques my interest and which I hope may interest you too.

So, I encourage you to follow this blog, check back in with me regularly, and feel free to give me feedback. I look forward to sharing with you!

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